Thursday, February 14, 2008

Signs of Pregnancy

Signs of Pregnancy

PregnancyYou can see and feel the earliest possible signs of pregnancy very early on even when your tummy is still flat You can catch signs that youre pregnant even when your tummy is still this flat The earliest signs of pregnancy do vary among women but one thing is for certain many women dont need a positive pregnancy test to know when theyre expecting Some of the earliest signs of pregnancy happen before even physical pregnancy symptoms start Dreams of pregnancy or simply a general feeling of something being different have been reported by women through the years Many times these deep inner feelings are correct Some of the earliest possible physical pregnancy signs include breast changes nausea and tiredness Following is a more indepth look at the above signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy Dreams

Pregnancy dreams very early in pregnancy sometimes even before are not unheard of There are many reports of extra vivid dreams during early pregnancy that continue through the pregnancy There have even been books written about the significance of pregnancy dreams like Dreaming for Two The Hidden Emotional Life of Expectant Mothers by Sindy Greenberg Elyse Kroll and Hillary Grill

Many times those early and later dreams are thought to be caused by the change in hormones Although its never been scientifically explained there are women who swear that theyve had a dream theyre pregnant or even dreamed of their babys gender before actually finding out from the doctor that theyre expecting See what other parents dream about while pregnant

Some women have what you could call a general feeling They just know that theyre pregnant This is not quite the same as dreams This gut feeling currently has no scientific explanation but many women report it

Breast Changes

Breast changes are almost always the first physical sign women notice when they become pregnant During the very first week of pregnancy your breasts start becoming ready for milk production This breast prep results in soreness darker areola area around the nipple pronounced veins and little bumps that may appear on the areola Because breast changes start so soon this is one of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy Breast changes are an especially significant sign if youre not expecting your period or if you dont normally have any breast changes


Tiredness like breast changes can start early on in pregnancy From the moment you conceive your body begins a process of growth and support for the fetus that is really draining on your body energywise Metabolic changes of any kind can make you tired In literature pregnancy metabolic changes have been compared to the same effects your body may experience if you were constantly climbing a mountain for nine months Thats a lot of work Normally the extreme tiredness of being pregnant will vanish around the 3 month mark Some women are tired all the way though pregnancy though as well Tiredness tends to be a good sign for women who have not been pregnant before because its a tired theyre not used to


Another one of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy is nausea Nausea is not the same as breast changes in that almost all women have pregnancy breast changes but not all women feel nausea

Nausea is also caused by pregnancy hormonal changes and can start as soon as the first week of pregnancy Pregnancy nausea is often called morning sickness but can actually occur at any time of the day Nausea during pregnancy can be triggered by foods smells activity or seemingly nothing

Many women experience distaste for unhealthy items during early pregnancy Coffee or cigarettes may make a woman feel sick to their stomach before she officially knows shes pregnant Theres been some research about morning sickness in relation to unhealthy activities but nothing conclusive Many women do report that this is one reason they thought they might be pregnant

If you have breast changes extreme tiredness or nausea and you arent sure why you should make an appointment with your doctor Any of these symptoms ongoing can be a sign of pregnancy but they can also be a sign that something else is wrong If you ever think youre pregnant its wise to visit your health care provider Early prenatal care is important for both your health and the health of your baby
When you become pregnant your body goes through many changes both physically and emotionally referred to by many as pregnancy symptoms Many of these changes are hormonal Some women have nearly every symptom while others breeze through their pregnancy with almost no discomfort

There are several pregnancy symptoms and signs that you can watch for

Missed Period Probably the first sign you experience that tells you that you might be pregnant is a missed period A typical menstrual cycle will last approximately twentyeight days though of course this cycle varies with each woman If your period occurs on a regular basis and you are late you may be pregnant
Tender Breasts While it is very common for a womans breasts to be tender and painful right before her period the discomfort will usually abate a day or two before her period starts If you experience tender breasts and your period is a day or two late you may be pregnant
Fatigue If you suddenly find yourself needing an afternoon nap or you are abnormally tired at the end of the day you may be pregnant
Frequent UrinationAre you suddenly running to the bathroom all day long Pregnancy means an increase in bodily fluids This symptom can show up early
Nausea Morning sickness doesnt necessarily show up just in the morning You may feel nauseous off and on all day long especially if you are hungry This symptom is most likely due to an influx of hormones and it should disappear after the third or fourth month
Food Sensitivity Even before you discover that you are pregnant you may discover that you suddenly have a distinct aversion to certain foods You may feel queasy at the sight or smell of certain foods so try to avoid those foods as much as possible
Implantation BleedingSome women experience light bleeding or spotting around the time that the egg attaches itself to the uterus If you already suspect you are pregnant and you begin to bleed contact your obgyn immediately While this experience may not be anything to worry about you will still need to be checked
Elevated Body TemperatureIf you have been trying to conceive by charting your basal body temperature you may be pregnant if you notice an elevated rate for approximately eighteen days
First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms
While some of the initial symptoms will continue throughout your first trimester others will disappear Your first trimester is typically from week one to week twelve Some of the most common symptoms during your first trimester are as follows
Your breasts will remain swollen and you may find that youve grown a cup size
Moodiness Dont be surprised if you are happy one minute and down in the dumps the next Place the blame on your hormones and pamper yourself
Nausea Try not to let your tummy get too empty Its better to eat several small meals throughout the day Sometimes munching on crackers and sipping hot tea helps
Nipple ColoringYou may also notice that your nipples and the aureola surrounding your nipples have gotten darker
ConstipationUnfortunately this symptom may follow you throughout your pregnancy To relieve any discomfort try to eat more fresh fruits vegetables and grains The more fiber you can get the better off you will be
IndigestionThis symptom may also be with you during your entire pregnancy especially as the baby grows and pushes on your esophagus Be sure you get any over the counter medication approved by your doctor before you take it
Headaches While there may be several causes for these headaches the increased blood flow may be the culprit If you are suffering severe headaches contact your doctor

Your second trimester begins at week thirteen and ends at week twentysix Common symptoms are as follows

Weight GainYour doctor will monitor your weight gain closely Throughout your pregnancy you should gain about thirty pounds
Itchy SkinSince your tummy is stretching you may find that it is also dry and itchy Use lotion daily Cocoa butter is a common application
SwellingYour feet hands and ankles may swell due to excess fluid
Dark LineThis line may develop and run from your belly button down to your pubic area It will fade after the baby is born
Fetal MovementYou can feel baby move
Third Trimester Symptoms
Your third trimester consists of week twentyseven to week forty Youre almost there Common pregnancy symptoms experienced during the third trimester include
Aches and Pains
One of the most common complaints among pregnant women is backaches The excess weight of your baby can wreak havoc on your body Take care of yourself
You may begin to experience a tightening of your abdomen at intervals during the day These are practice contractions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this informative content now i know what are the signs of pregnancy. But to be sure use elisa kits or try to have check up. thanks for sharing this you have a very wonderful blog. goodbless and more power.